Week 5 Lecture

Posted in Interaction Design, Lectures on April 3, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

The week 5 lecture was a review on Interface Design as well as some new information on different forms of interface design. The lecturer quoted Nicholas V Luppa in describing a good interface as “Good, clean, clear navagation is critical to the success of any interactive experience, but it is so basic that its excellence has to be a foregone conclusion”. The Lecturer also described the “nuts and bolts” of an interface by splitting into categories such as Visual Focus, Problem Solving, Contextual, Conceptual and Wholeness. The lecuter also explained the difference between a linear and non-linear interface and how a non-linear interface is better than a linear one as it does not leave the user without options.

Week 4 Lecture

Posted in Lectures on March 27, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

The week 4 lecture was split into two modules about static and kinetic screens. The first module focused on play, experience and design. The lecturer used Andy Polaine’s definition of interaction design to show the need for designer to consider what their desing does, what it looks like, what it looks like it does and the experience in using it. The second module focused on visual hierarchy and once again used Andy Polaine’s definition to show the importance of point of interest, contrast, tone, scale, typography and colour.

About This Bolg

Posted in About this blog on March 20, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

The purpose of this bolg is to act as diary for the subject interactive design 1. Throughout this blog I will be posting my thoughts on the weekly Interactive Design lectures and commenting on some important elements of the subject.

Information/Instructional Design

Posted in Information/Instructional Design on March 20, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

Information and Instructional design is visable in most situations people are involved in. Information and instructional design can be as simple as a bus time table or as complex as a GPS unit. Information design gives users infromation in a way they can understand and correctly analyse it, such as a map, an exit sign or an emergency evacuation plan. Instruction design give the user a step by step plan on how to complete a task. The instructional design can be in chart form such as an air safty manual or a didgital interaction like a car GPS.


CPR Chart

The CPR chart is an example of instructional design as it shows the user step by step exactly how to perform a task. The signage is clearly ordered and easy to follow.

London Undergroud Map

London Underground Map is a very famous example of information design. The entire network is detailed so the user can find where they are and where their desitnation is. The design does not give step by step instruction but does provide the user with enough information to work it out themselves.

Satalite Navagation

The GPS Unit is both information and instructional design. The unit is able to show the user their exact location and details the surrounding area. The GPS Unit can also give the user step by step instructions for reacing their destinaion in the shortest length of time.

Week 3 Lecture

Posted in Information/Instructional Design, Lectures on March 20, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

The week 3 lecture was split into two presentations. Part one of the lecture focused on the design process for creating a inteactive design. Part 2 explained the concept of personas, and gave an example of an interactive design. Part one broke down the design process into individual steps like Pre-Process, Concept and Planning, Design Prototypes andspecifications, production and testing. The seccond part of the lecture went through the application of the Airport PDA Interactive map along with the users persona.

About Me

Posted in About Me on March 20, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

My name is Brent Lollback and I’m a 3rd year student of Industrial Design at the University of Western Sydney. Before starting my degree I completed an apprentiship as a civil design draftsman, a position I have now held for seven years. As part of the industrial graphics major I am required to complete Interactive design 1 and 2 with the school of communication arts.

Making Toast Story Board

Posted in Making Toast on March 19, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

Plug toaster into power point.

Switch on power.

Adjust timing dial to ones preferences.

Pick up bread.

Insert bread in horizontal slots on top of toaster.

Pull down leaver on side of toaster until it locks.

Observe toaster until slicers are elevated. (Is bread toasted?)

Take slices out of toaster. (Caution may be hot).

Place toast on plate or benchtop.

Johnny Smith Mood Board

Posted in Making Toast on March 19, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

Making toast process

Posted in Making Toast on March 13, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

1.      Plug toaster into power point.

2.      Switch on power.

3.      Adjust timing dial to ones preferences.

4.      Pick up bread.

5.      Insert bread in horizontal slots on top of toaster.

6.      Pull down leaver on side of toaster until it locks.

7.      Observe toaster until slicers are elevated. (Is bread toasted?)

8.      Take slices out of toaster. (Caution may be hot).

9.      Place toast on plate or benchtop.

Process for making toast


Posted in Interactivity on March 13, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

Bill Verplank defines Interactivity as “interacting with the world and getting feedback from the world”. Interactivity in web design is a site or program which is both engaging and reactive. Web pages such as online shopping and auction sites engague the user and allow them to participate by using their own money to purchase items. Social media sites also allow users to get involved and take control of their own personal space, and then share it with anyone they wish. Interactivity can be something as simple as pressing a a button or as complex as an online game.


EBay is both engaging and reactive with users bidding with their own money aginst other users for items.


Facebook allows users to interact with their friends by carrying on conversations and viewing or comenting on their photos. users can also play games and view videos.


Amazon is an online store with a large inventory specialising on books where users can by items at a competitive price.