Archive for the Web 2.0 Category

Web 2.0

Posted in Web 2.0 on March 13, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

Web 2.0 is a term which describes media which has been specifically designed for use with the internet rather than just software that has been adapted to capitalise on it. When the internet first gained popularity software companies brought out programs like Netscape which was bringing the internet to the desktop, this era has been described as Web 1.0. In contrast Web 2.0 includes sites like EBay and Amazon which are company’s setup for use only on the internet. The users of Web 2.0 do not need to pay money directly for the software, they just need connect to the websites. Web 2.0 company’s receive there money through selling products or advertising.






Week One Lecture

Posted in Lectures, Web 2.0 on February 28, 2011 by brenteractivedesign

The week one lecture for interactive design was about web 2.0 and the way information technology is rapaidly changing. As part of the lecture we were asked to watch a youtube video called Did You Know? The video explained facts about population growth and the expansion of web based technolgy. One example stated in the video was about the time taken for different social media to reach 50 million users. Radio took 38 years, televion 13 years while the internet took only 4 years and Facebook a mere 2 years.